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Ultimate New York Style Hot Dog

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Adjust Servings:
The Frankfurters
5 Frankfurters Check the meat quanity in the ingredients
200ml Beer Optional
1 Tsp of whole Black Pepper
The Sweet Onion Relish
1 Tbsp Vegetable oil
1 Sliced Onion
1 Sliced Clove of Garlic
4 Tbsp Tomato Ketchup
1 Tbsp Hot Sauce
Pinch Salt To taste
200ml Water
The Serve
Hot Dog Buns I still prefer real bread though, not cheap crumbly bread
Spicy Mustard

Ultimate New York Style Hot Dog


    The Ultimate Hot Dog served with a Cast Iron Sweet Onion Relish

    • 30
    • Serves 5
    • Easy


    • The Frankfurters

    • The Sweet Onion Relish

    • The Serve



    Happy 4th of July! To celebrate American Independence Day, we thought we’d do a campfire homage to the Ultimate New York Style Hot Dog! I do love a hot dog when I’m in New York and I’ve tried a few of the best. From Nathan’s Famous in Coney Island to the food carts clustered around Central Park and Times Square.

    NYC is arguably the Home of the Hot Dog

    Its all about the toppings! New York City is such a melting pot of cuisines and cultures but traditional Hot Dogs stick to the same tried and tested toppings. You will typically see a variety of mustard, ketchup (though true New Yorkers will turn their noses up), sauerkraut, cheese, chilli, fried onions and relish. I’m a massive fan of sauerkraut on my hotdogs and it is super easy to make too, it just takes weeks. If you want that distinctive sour flavour, you can pack a small jar with you.

    Bain Maries are used here instead of campfires!

    For this 4th of July feast, we’re preparing the Ultimate New York Style Hot Dog. We are cooking one of my favourite toppings on cast iron over the fire and we’re going to show you how to get even more flavour into your frankfurter. We’re going to make a simple sweet onion relish to top your Dogs with then we’ll finish with a spicy mustard.

    Traditionally, New York-style Hot Dogs are made with all-beef Frankfurters. If you’re buying them in a UK supermarket, scan your eyes over the ingredients. Most of our “American-Style” Hot Dogs are primarily made with “mechanically separated chicken”… BOKE! Look for frankfurters which are proper beef or pork. Don’t forget they can be in a few places; the fridge, in jars in the store cupboard isle and in Polish food sections.

    The Ultimate New York Style Hot Dog ready for assembly!

    Hot dogs are boiled in seasoned water until piping hot, probably around six minutes. We’re adding a small tin of beer to our boiling liquid and some peppercorns to add some more flavour. The liquid will be boiling for long enough that there won’t be any alcohol left so this should be safe for children but if you’d rather leave it out then that is fine. Boiling Hot Dogs like this is so easy and actually makes a great meal for Scouts to cook for themselves in large batches. Just make sure you don’t add too many franks that you bring the water temperature down too fast. The New Yorkers may turn their noses up to ketchup, but if you expect a group of Irish or British Scouts to eat these, then you best have a bottle on stand by!

    Happy 4th of July!

    We hope our friends over the Atlantic have a safe and enjoyable 4th. Our Ultimate New York Style Hot Dog with Onion Relish and Mustard will hopefully those on this side of the pond feel at home!

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    You need a good bed of coals to cook the relish so get a big fire going. When it's burnt down, get the cast iron on. Add the oil and cook the onions until they're starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Then add the garlic and fry for another 1 minute.


    Add the ketchup, hot sauce and water to the pan and give a good stir to bring it all together. Let it bubble away for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly, until it's thick and sticky. You can add more water if it starts to catch around the edges. Just before you take it off the heat, taste it and add a pinch of salt for seasoning.


    Get your saucepan on the fire now, add some water, a glug of beer and a teaspoon of peppercorns. Bring it to the boil. When boiling, carefully add the frankfurters and let them boil until they're piping hot, about 6 minutes.


    Build your Ultimate New York Style Hot Dog!

    Sliced bap, Frankfurter, sauerkraut, relish, mustard! Tuck in!

    (Pro tip: don't get mustard up your nose when you bite into these, it's unpleasant)

    Mark T

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